KCOI LLP are delighted to announce the completion of the Remote Instrument Enclosures (RIE) project, and herewith share some project key facts & figures:
Total duration: 20 months (Aug. 2018 – Apr. 2020)
Number of RIE delivered: 10 (4 by sea, 6 by road)
RIE length [m]: between 9 and 36.2
RIE width [m]: between 4.5 and 14.4
RIE height [m]: between 4.1 and 6.6
RIE weight [t]: between 29 and 287
Tons of steel fabricated: > 750
Square meters painted: > 27.000
Square meters thermally insulated: > 7.000
Meters of cables pulled: > 140.000
Cables terminated: > 15.000
Personnel involved at peak: 350
Working time at peak: 24/7
HSE training hours: > 1.200
Toolbox talks: >1.100
HSE meetings: > 100
Observation cards: > 900
HSE inspections: > 200
Emergency drills: 10
LTI-free milestones completed: 4
Total LTI-free manhours worked: > 1.000.000 (One million!)
We wish to thank Tengizchevroil and WoodKSS (part of Wood Group) for their trust in Rosetti Marino Group of Companies. Special thanks to SITEK Caspian for their contribution to the success of the project, and to Mammoet and Sarens, Bertling Kazakh Logistics LLC and Kazmortransflot NMSC LLP fortheir support during load-out and shipment.
Well done RIE TEAM!
Kazakhstan Caspian Offshore Industries LLP 130000, Microdistrict 29a, «Grand Nur Plaza» Business Centre, 3rd floor, Aktau, Mangystau region, Republic of Kazakhstan, BIN 080740018973
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