June 21, 2024


North Caspian Operating Company N.V. (NCOC), the Operator of the North Caspian Sea Project jointly with KIOS Techflow LLP (part of the Expertise group) and Kazakhstan Caspian Offshore Industries (KCOI) held a ceremony for the handover of Technical Rooms of low complex module fully manufactured in Kazakhstan and certified to CT-KZ.

The official ceremony took place at KCOI yard in Sayin Shapagatov village of Tupkaragan District in Mangystau with the attendance of the NCOC management and Deputy Akim of Mangystau oblast, Abbat Urisbayev, who emphasized the importance of this project for the development of the oblast and strengthening the industrial potential of Kazakhstan.

KIOS Techflow LLP is NCOC contractor for the procurement of Technical Rooms, which engaged KCOI to serve as a subcontractor for provision of fabrication in its facilities located at “Temir-At”, KCOI construction yard in Mangystau Region. In the frame of the Contract, KIOS Techflow LLP developed three Technical Rooms for 1 BCMA Project which will be installed on each Block Valves Stations (every 5 km) along 15 km pipeline from OPF Bolashak to new Gas Plant of QazaqGas. These Technical Rooms contain the electric, instrumentation, PLC/SCADA and telecom equipment, and also provide emergency and control services for valves and exchange communication with the existing control system functioning at Onshore Production Facility of NCOC located in Atyrau Region. 

It should be noted that KIOS Techflow LLP was responsible for detailed design, procurement and supply of the equipment, fabrication and construction of premises, installation, pre-commissioning, assistance for commissioning, storage, load out and preservation of the Technical Rooms.

During the ceremony Giancarlo Ruiu, NCOC Managing Director, noted: “NCOC is developing a unique and complex offshore Kashagan field which requires the world-class quality of goods and services. KIOSTECHFLOW LLP has been providing the services with level of local content and met the most demanding requirements of NCOC. We truly appreciate our successful cooperation”.

The construction works were carried out by KCOI with maximum involvement of Kazakhstani specialists. These are the first Technical Rooms manufactured for North Caspian Project in Kazakhstan and certified to CT-KZ where the share of local content reached 63.1%. It should be noted that CT-KZ certificate is a state document confirming that the country of origin of the goods is Kazakhstan.

According to Luigi Nava, Project Manager of KIOS Techflow LLP: “We strive to provide our maximum support to NCOC in the successful development of the Kashagan field in the challenging Caspian Sea environment by complying with high quality requirements in our goods and services and by training our Kazakhstani specialists to international standards”.

Kazakhstan Caspian Offshore Industries LLP 130000, Microdistrict 29a, «Grand Nur Plaza» Business Centre, 3rd floor, Aktau, Mangystau region, Republic of Kazakhstan, BIN 080740018973

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