High-Quality PEOPLE are CRUCIAL for our Company!

Therefore, KCOI LLP do their utmost to recruit talented people and provide dedicated training to further improve their skills.
Taking part in the Zhana Serpin Program of Mangystau Oblast KCOI LLP have launched a project for training 20 pipe-fitters at higher college APEC PetroTechnic, to develop their abilities and increase their qualification.
It was not by accident that KCOI have chosen APEC: this higher college has already proven itself as one of the best study centers fully complying with international standards and having strict demands and objectives to prepare the best workers in various crafts!
KCOI management participated at the launch of the trainings and met with the trainees.
Kazakhstan Caspian Offshore Industries LLP 130000, Microdistrict 29a, «Grand Nur Plaza» Business Centre, 3rd floor, Aktau, Mangystau region, Republic of Kazakhstan, BIN 080740018973
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