Safe and flawless start-up of the EPC-4 Topside module

EPC-4 goes ONSTREAM Congratulations to NCOC N.V. ( for the safe and flawless start-up of the EPC-4 Topside module! It has been an honor for KCOI LLP,-: to be part of the project, successfully delivered earlier this year in close cooperation with MCC LLP ( We wish to thank NCOC for the invitation to the festive lunch celebrating the achievement, and the Recognition Letter for our contribution to safe execution of the project, in excess of 1.000.000 (one million) manhours worked without a single Lost Time Injury.
Kazakhstan Caspian Offshore Industries LLP 130000, Microdistrict 29a, «Grand Nur Plaza» Business Centre, 3rd floor, Aktau, Mangystau region, Republic of Kazakhstan, BIN 080740018973
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